Wednesday, April 13, 2011

We're moving!

Both in real life and the blog.  It will now be a private blog, so please drop me an email or facebook me for the invite.  My resolution for the last couple of years has been to keep up a blog for family to have updates and we've got many adventures ahead of us, so what better time than now??

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Will Reilly be our artist?? He drew this all by himself earlier and it really IS a dinosaur...

Day 3 at home...

Sorry for not updating the blog sooner. We've been getting settled back in as a family and disinfecting everything! Laney and Reilly had doctor appointments yesterday. Laney weighed in at 8lbs, 12oz with her diaper on, so she did infact lose a bit in the hospital. She weighed in at 8lbs, 12oz last Monday completely naked. Reilly weighed a whopping 36lbs and did great. It does look like he had Fifths Disease, but it's over now and he was no longer contagious when Laney came home from the hospital. Laney is doing well. Her cough seems much better today and she has an appetite again.

I am going to attempt to keep this blog up and running to keep everyone up to date on what's going on with the family. It seems like it was easy for everyone, especially family, to pop in and see what the latest was. I actually find blogging very theraputic, so I hope to be able to continue updating at least a few times per week.

Saturday, January 30, 2010


We're outta here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Next update coming from home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

She did it!

Miss Delaney made us think that she would have to go back on oxygen last night. Around 7:30-8:00, she started trying to drop her saturation levels into the 80's, so I got RT in here and he grabbed her canula, started across the room with it, and suddenly her O2 was back in the 90s (93 to be exact). So, we waited it out. It's now 8:46, and she held them through the night!!! Also, it is now 32.5 hours since her last albuterol treatment. I can confidently say that I think we might be past that for sure. Our biggest issue right now - her poor chest just hurts from the cough. So, through the night, she'd cough and then cry for 15 or so minutes. I don't want her to be in pain, but seriously this is mild compared to what we've been through. We are waiting for RT and the doctor to come in this morning, so another update will come. Oh, and poor Laney is spending her first snow in the hospital...

Friday, January 29, 2010

Free of cords - at least for a little while...

We got to unplug Laney earlier and give her a bath. It's the first time since Monday that I've held her without cords. It was the best thing ever!!

She managed to not need her albuterol treatment at our 12:00 RT rounds. Though, I really have only found 2 RTs that I don't like since being here and of course it was one of them. He's not coming back to see Laney - ever.

She also had a really good nursing session and is snoozing happily with an oxygen level of 96% right now. YAY! Oh, and she's found her thumb several times today --- will she take after Reilly and be a thumb sucker?

Big update - lots of good news

Sorry it took me so long to update -- I really was afraid to jinx anything. Delaney has been off of oxygen for 1 hour, 45 minutes at this point and kept her saturation levels good while sleeping. Now that she's awake, they're great! She's still mad at the nasal canula as they left it just incase. I think that I will ask them to remove it in the near future as it seems to be aggravating her.

It is now 11:19am, in just 11 minutes, it will have been 11 hours since her last albuterol treatment. This is GREAT news!!! She's not made it longer than 6 prior to today.

Her preliminary blood culture results are in and --- drumroll please --- NO BACTERIA GROWTH!!!

Now for the best part - and I need lots of good thought, prayers, vibes, whatever it is that you do. As long as Laney stays off O2 today and does well with it, we have a good chance of going home tomorrow!! The hospital's pre-discharge person came in this morning even, so I'm staying cautiously optomistic!!! I can't wait to be reunited with the boys :).

Bottom line - today is going to be a good day - I can feel it!!!