Friday, January 29, 2010

Free of cords - at least for a little while...

We got to unplug Laney earlier and give her a bath. It's the first time since Monday that I've held her without cords. It was the best thing ever!!

She managed to not need her albuterol treatment at our 12:00 RT rounds. Though, I really have only found 2 RTs that I don't like since being here and of course it was one of them. He's not coming back to see Laney - ever.

She also had a really good nursing session and is snoozing happily with an oxygen level of 96% right now. YAY! Oh, and she's found her thumb several times today --- will she take after Reilly and be a thumb sucker?


  1. I hope that tomorrow is the second homecoming! I am sending all my positive vibes your way!
    - DeAnna

  2. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I hope you guys are home asap!
