Thursday, January 28, 2010

A shower, a nursing session (or two!), and thanks

So, I went home - to an empty house. Managed to get a shower (and do some alone, loud crying), do a quick (and I do mean SUPER quick) check on CPM, stopped at Starbucks for coffee (because they don't "allow" me to have it on my breakfast tray), and came back. Walked in to find Laney had just woken up and was ready to nurse!! She actually nursed for almost 15 minutes!!! That's the reassurance I needed. While I was gone, Ruby (our care partner - think Bailey from Grey's with Wanda Sikes' voice...I really really like her), came and took Laney's temp (rectally only from now on) and it was 99.9. Not too bad, definitely not as bad as last night. Anyway, after I nursed Laney, I ran back downstairs and saw the boys for the first time since Monday morning. They asked where Daddy and Laney were, and were ok with my answer of Laney being very sick and needing us here. Finn nursed (YAYYYYYY!!! - I was so scared that this would force weaning on him) and as I was buckling them back in - Finn said "my want you". I can't wait til my family is reunited, as things are supposed to be. Anyway, I took the hike back to our room, opened Laney's new boppy (thanks mom and dad!) and put her on it...she loves it!!! It's not flat like our other (thanks to daddy sitting on it for the last few nights in the AWFUL recliner). Anyway, get this - she nursed again!!!! And took a couple of teaspoons from the syringe with daddy.

Gayle (respiratory therapist) came back in and gave her her albuterol treatment around 4:30 and Laney is resting peacefully - holding her O2 saturations on .2L of oxygen (down from .3L). We will hopefully get to drop it to .1L by the end of the evening in attempts to wean her off of it. So, now we are waiting for the doctor to come in.
And thanks to everyone for your thoughts, prayers, and emails. They really help me get through the hard times (and if nothing else, they help to get a good cry out!). More updates later...

1 comment:

  1. This is so encouraging! I'm so glad you got a break and then got to nurse both babies (one of them twice.) Yay!
